lauantai 28. elokuuta 2010

Some car stuff now...

Ok, some RC car stuff will follow. I know, they can´t fly except for some short periods, but they´re still interesting! Anyway,  I used to have a Tamiya FAV (Fast attack vehicle) 540-powered car in the 80´s, and a while ago realized that Tamiya´s 80´s cars are still in production! It did not take long until, after 2 hours of fierce assembling in the middle of our living-room, my then 2-and 4-year old sons running circles around me and taking parts with them until I got them back-I got the Lunch Box running.  The expressions of  the three of us could have been worth some photographs as this little monster truck, body still plain white, strafed our small and quiet street. The speed was well below 30 km/h with the stock 540 can motor, but nevertheless, it was fun!

What followed soon, was that my friend living almost next door (also a father of two small boys) followed and got himself a Kyosho Ultima SC 1/10 Short Course truck.  Now that car had decent oil shock dampers and everything! Pretty soon I realized that the Luch Box van is fun but actually terrible to drive! I should have stopped at that point. But. What I soon found in my hands was the Traxxas Slash 4x4 1/10 truck. Now it has a pretty nice stock power system, and generally it is a strong car built with good parts. The Vellineon brushless motor pushes it around 50-60 km/h with a 2s lipo and the stock pinion. So soon the next door childens palyground was featuring a new show called two dads racing with each other and raising sand dust like crazy!


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